13/03/2025 09:10 US stock futures, US T-bond yield, gold price update
13/03/2025 09:10 Latest US$ exchange rates: US$/Yen 148.14; Euro/US$1.0891
13/03/2025 09:06 {Block Trade}Pre-opening block trades at 9:05am
13/03/2025 09:05 {Block Trade}Trading session block trades at 9:04am
13/03/2025 09:03 {Block Trade}CHABAIDAO (02555): 3.6m shares, or HK$41.4m
13/03/2025 09:02 {Block Trade}AIA (01299): 3.06m shares, or HK$195.44m
13/03/2025 09:01 {Block Trade}Trading session block trades at 9:00am
13/03/2025 08:58 Suspension of Trading Memorandum
13/03/2025 08:58 Resumption of Trading Memorandum
13/03/2025 08:55 NYMEX oil fut (post-closing) down 9 cts to US$67.59/bbl
13/03/2025 08:50 Cryptocurrency Prices
13/03/2025 08:22 {MMA}MOUTAI (600519) tops 10 most active stocks on MMA (SH)
13/03/2025 08:22 {MMA}TRACKER FUND tops 10 most active stocks on MMA (SH)
13/03/2025 08:15 {SSE & SZSE MMA}HK market cap: HK$41t; SSE & SZSE: RMB81t
13/03/2025 08:15 Spot month HTI Futures open contracts total 173,618 dn 7,446
13/03/2025 08:15 Spot month HSI Futures open contracts total 127,343 dn 3,828
13/03/2025 08:15 HSCEI Futures open contracts total 244,641 dn 9,058
13/03/2025 08:05 China Concepts Shares HK/ADR Prices
13/03/2025 08:05 US Share Prices
13/03/2025 08:05 US-listed China Concepts Shares Prices