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  • Mei Ling

    Mei Ling

    廖吳美玲Mei Ling,做為電視真人騷《盛女愛作戰》幕後顧問一夜爆紅,因其經驗豐富,點評中肯直接,且手握優質筍盤無數,被譽為鑽石媒人,備受好評。其創立的香港婚姻介紹所Hong Kong Matchmakers。

    Mei Ling曾於紐約婚姻介紹學院就讀,成為美、德註冊婚配師,創立香港婚姻介紹所,有別於其他婚介所,Mei Ling所設門檻很高,專為香港單身高學歷人士作婚姻配對,創辦16年,成功撮合的高層男女不下數百對。

    Mei Ling曾於世界頂級大企業任要職,包括貿發局法蘭克福貿易顧問等。曾獲歐盟市場開拓及業務發展比賽冠軍,成為首位女性及華人獲得此殊榮。亦曾創立自己的時裝生意,在高峰時賣盤。

    著有《How to Find A Husband》。 Man Manual, Navigating Relationships

    鑽石媒人Mei Ling




















  1. 他要答應與第三者結束關係。


  2. 與他相討若第三者不願意離開應如何處理。


  3. 除非你們的小孩已長大成人,否則不要讓他們捲入事件當中。分擔悲傷予孩子不是義務,這樣做只會讓孩子缺乏安全感及感到痛苦。


  4. 不要分化孩子跟父親的關係。不忠的丈夫不代表是個不稱職的父親。別要孩子與妳一同承受情傷。


  5. 如果妳想與第三者見面,要先問自己究竟想從見面中達到甚麼?假若妳需要強迫自己編個藉口見面,或妳只想對著她發一頓脾氣,這種像個傻子般的角色還是別演。


  6. 假若她是你們的共同朋友,她雖然背叛妳,但她一直對妳的事情毫不知情,一直偷偷隱瞞的人是你的丈夫。集中火力於這個第三者上就是誤對槍頭,更會將醜事傳千里。


  7. 若果妳決定要與她見面,可找一個令你感到自在的地方相見,並找個人陪妳冷靜面對。見面時,非要去侮辱她、怨恨她,而是要保持冷靜、表現修養。以尊重的方式盡訴妳要說的話。


  8. 與丈夫打開心窗好好討論,找出令他不快的原因,及重整婚姻關係後的好結果。需要時可尋求顧問從中協調。




Your Husband Has An Affair  !!


  I cannot think of anything more devastating for a woman than the sudden discovery that her husband is having an affair  ! The anger,  bitterness,  heartache… No woman should have to go through that and no man has the right to inflict such toe curling pain on the woman he had sworn to love for all eternity.


  There is no excuse, but an affair does not have to mean the end of a marriage. Instead of rushing off to see a divorce lawyer, I suggest to handle the situation in 3 steps:


Cooling Off


  Go away for a few days to cool off and do some serious thinking first before you do  anything drastic. Being alone would be best, if you need company, picking the right companion is crucial. Do not let the other person’s opinion cloud your judgment, bias your thoughts or influence your decision. You know the truth better than she does. Solidarity is a dangerous thing when she has nothing to lose and you have everything to lose.


Do Some Soul Searching


  Infidelity is a result and not a reason, ask yourself why he did what he did ? Some men stray because they have low moral standards, too weak to resist temptation. But most men don’t go into a marriage planning how to cheat on their wives. The key disincentive is more effort than moral, men are basically lazy, they’d rather not because it’s too much work. He so enjoys spreading himself across the couch with TV remote in one hand, beer in another… his meals, laundry, sex life all running on autopilot… life doesn’t get better than that, so why bother?


  Philander¬ing requires colossal effort, and  covert action is draining. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” The price of getting caught is high. So what was he thinking? He didn’t think; that’s just it. The most common reason for his escapade is that he was not happy at home. Surprised? The telltale signs have been there all along, only you have probably been too busy to notice. Do some deep soul searching, because only you know the answers.


Work out a strategy to rebuild your life


  If you really want to rebuild your marriage, file away your venom and speak to him normally, calmly, factually.


  1) He has to promise ending his relationship with the other woman.


  2)  Discuss how to deal with potential threats from her in the event she refuses to leave your husband.


  3)  Unless they are adults, keep the children out of this. Do not feel obligated to “share” your grief, it only makes them feel insecure & miserable.


  4) Do not alienate your children from your husband. Having an affair does not make him a wicked father. Do not burden your children with your own emotional pains.


  5) If you want to meet her, ask yourself what you want to achieve?  If your excuses are arbitrary or you just want to throw a tantrum, stop making a fool of yourself.


  6)  If she is a friend of yours, she has betrayed you, but if she doesn’t even know you, it is your husband who has betrayed you - shooting your rage in the wrong direction is just washing dirty linen in public !


  7) If you meet her, find a neutral place, and take a third party to calm you down. No name calling, no venom, stay calm and civilized. Say what you have to say with dignity.


  8) Discuss openly with your husband what made him unhappy, how best to restructure your own marriage, Seek counseling if necessary.


  Forgiving is hard and soul-searching is even harder, but this too will pass, you can do this and you will. Continue to love him for all the things he has done right rather than to annihilate him for the one thing he has done wrong. Handled properly, this will make your marriage stronger, and grow you two together for smoother sails ahead !




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