Mei Ling
Mei Ling
廖吳美玲Mei Ling,做為電視真人騷《盛女愛作戰》幕後顧問一夜爆紅,因其經驗豐富,點評中肯直接,且手握優質筍盤無數,被譽為鑽石媒人,備受好評。其創立的香港婚姻介紹所Hong Kong Matchmakers。
Mei Ling曾於紐約婚姻介紹學院就讀,成為美、德註冊婚配師,創立香港婚姻介紹所,有別於其他婚介所,Mei Ling所設門檻很高,專為香港單身高學歷人士作婚姻配對,創辦16年,成功撮合的高層男女不下數百對。
Mei Ling曾於世界頂級大企業任要職,包括貿發局法蘭克福貿易顧問等。曾獲歐盟市場開拓及業務發展比賽冠軍,成為首位女性及華人獲得此殊榮。亦曾創立自己的時裝生意,在高峰時賣盤。
著有《How to Find A Husband》。 Man Manual, Navigating Relationships鑽石媒人Mei Ling
我剛剛參加了Now TV《出軌》節目的錄製,在節目中,我為不同的出軌個案點評,一共有九集。為了拍攝這個節目,我做足準備,看了好多關於出軌的書籍,對研究得出的結果很驚訝。
2012年由美聯社出版的《Journal of Marital and Family Therapy》中,有些關於男女關係的數據頗嚇人的,看看以下例子。
2)根據劍橋大學教授Eamon Duffy撰寫的《聖人與罪人》,囊括了過往2000年不同教宗的貢獻和事蹟,當中有好有壞,例如教宗庇護二世與地下情人生了兩個非法孩子。教宗保祿三世更有4個非法孩子。
Infidelity (1):The Power of Temptation
I have just finished shooting nine episodes of 《Unfaithful》with Now TV where I appeared as a guest co-host, commenting on related films and participating in discussions regarding this topic. In preparation for the show, I had done a bit of reading on the subject and was thoroughly appalled by my findings.
For instance, according to the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy published by the Associated Press in 2012, there were some pretty horrific figures. A few examples :
a) Men and women openly admitting to infidelity in a marriage = 41%
b) Men admitting to infidelity in a non-marital, but steady relationship = 57%
c) Women admitting to infidelity in a non-marital, but steady relationship = 54%
d) Men who would stray if they knew they would never be caught = 74%
e) Women who would stray if they knew they would never be caught = 68%
and the list continues… Whatever happened to loyalty and our sense of morals ? Are there more temptations available today? or is it a character flaw in that we are just becoming weaker? Is it education that we lack ? more training or better upbringing that we need ? Or as the argument goes, religion is food for the soul, & we all need a staunch religion to sustain us ?
Let’s take another look at some concrete facts and figures:
1)The highest subscription rate for Playboy and other porno magazines in the States is across the Bible Belt (Florida, Texas, Mississippi….) where Christianity is being most strongly upheld and fervently practiced.
2)According to Cambridge Professor Eamon Duffy's book《Saints & Sinners》which documented the contributions of popes over the past 2000 years, there were some great ones and some not so great ones. Pope Pius II had two illegitimate children with his secret lover, whilst Pope Paul III had four …
3)Last year, 300 out of 61,416 monks in Thailand were being severely reprimanded, some excommunicated, for conduct unbecoming including such misdeeds as driving, drinking, gambling, cheating, and engaging in sexual affairs...
So religion is not necessarily a sanctuary. Humans have been succumbing to temptation since the days of Adam and Eve. Fighting temptation is immensely difficult, otherwise it would not have been written into the Lord’s Prayer “And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, Amen.” Education, training, upbringing, religion all help –but only to a certain extent.
The single most effective deterrent is actually our own mindset, it is the mind which governs our attitude, determines our behavior and ultimately makes us fall into temptation or walk away from it. People who commit adultery usually shut their minds down and refuse to engage in any coherent, logical, sensible thinking process. They don’t want thoughts to spoil their pleasure of the present. What you have to do is to pull yourself away from the "NOW" frame of mind and extend your thoughts well into the future. What will be the consequences of this infidelity I am about to commit and how are they going to affect me and my life? And the lives of my spouse and my children? What price am I really paying for this indiscretion? Is it worth it? If you don’t care, then you don’t have a relationship or that your marriage is long over. But if you do care, the thoughts are so repulsive you will in all likelihood, just walk away.
Martin Luther King once said, "You cannot stop the birds from flying over your head, but you can certainly prevent them from building a nest in your hair. "The power of temptation is strong indeed, but the power of the mind is even stronger, if only we’d let ourselves be.
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