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商業英語 │ 寫文件、電郵非用字愈長愈好,教你20個化繁為簡、得體直接表達方法

  • Zephyr Yeung

    Zephyr Yeung




  在現代商業世界,時間就是金錢。無論是寫商業文件還是發送電子郵件,學會以簡潔明瞭的方式表達,既能提高工作效率,也能增強專業形象。長篇大論不僅會讓讀者失去興趣,還可能導致信息的誤解。簡潔的語言則能夠讓信息更清晰、直接地傳達。本篇文章將介紹如何在商業文件和電子郵件中避免冗長的表達 (e.g. on a daily basis),專注於使用精煉的語言 (e.g. daily)。


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/hk/" target="_blank">https://stock.adobe.com/hk/ )


1. Due to the fact that / 因為事實上 >>> Because / 因為

●    Wordy: The meeting was canceled due to the fact that the manager was sick.

●    Concise: The meeting was canceled because the manager was sick.


2. At this point in time / 目前 >> Now / 現在

●    Wordy: At this point in time, we cannot proceed with the project.

●    Concise: Now, we cannot proceed with the project.


3. In the event that / 如果發生這種情況 >> If / 如果

●    Wordy: In the event that it rains, the event will be moved indoors.

●    Concise: If it rains, the event will be moved indoors.


4. Has the ability to / 有能力去做 >> Can / 能

●    Wordy: She has the ability to solve complex problems.

●    Concise: She can solve complex problems.


5. In order to / 為了 >> To / 為了

●    Wordy: We need more resources in order to complete the project.

●    Concise: We need more resources to complete the project.


6. In close proximity to / 在附近 >> Near / 附近

●    Wordy: The hotel is in close proximity to the airport.

●    Concise: The hotel is near the airport.


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/hk/ )


7. With the exception of / 除了...以外 >> Except / 除了

●    Wordy: All employees, with the exception of John, attended the meeting.

●    Concise: All employees except John attended the meeting.


8. It is necessary that / 必須 >> Must / 必須

●    Wordy: It is necessary that we review the contract before signing.

●    Concise: We must review the contract before signing.


9. For the purpose of / 為了...的目的 >> To / 為了

●    Wordy: This meeting is for the purpose of discussing the new policy.

●    Concise: This meeting is to discuss the new policy.


(Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/hk/ )


10. On a daily basis / 每日 >> Daily / 每日

●    Wordy: The report needs to be updated on a daily basis.

●    Concise: The report needs to be updated daily.


11. A large number of / 大量 >> Many / 許多

●    Wordy: A large number of employees attended the training session.

●    Concise: Many employees attended the training session.


12. Make a decision / 做決定 >> Decide / 決定

●    Wordy: We need to make a decision by the end of the week.

●    Concise: We need to decide by the end of the week.


13. At this moment in time / 此時此刻 >> Now / 現在

●    Wordy: At this moment in time, we are unable to provide a solution.

●    Concise: Now, we are unable to provide a solution.


14. Is capable of / 能夠 >> Can / 能

●    Wordy: The new software is capable of handling large data sets.

●    Concise: The new software can handle large data sets.


15. During the course of / 在...期間 >> During / 在...期間

●    Wordy: During the course of the project, we encountered several issues.

●    Concise: During the project, we encountered several issues.


16. For the reason that / 由於 >> Because / 因為

●    Wordy: The event was postponed for the reason that the venue was unavailable.

●    Concise: The event was postponed because the venue was unavailable.


17. Give consideration to / 考慮 >> Consider / 考慮

●    Wordy: Please give consideration to my proposal.

●    Concise: Please consider my proposal.


18. With the result that / 因此 >> So / 因此

●    Wordy: The project was delayed with the result that we missed the deadline.

●    Concise: The project was delayed, so we missed the deadline.


19. In a manner similar to / 類似於 >> Like / 像

●    Wordy: He handled the situation in a manner similar to a professional.

●    Concise: He handled the situation like a professional.


20. On an occasional basis / 偶爾 >> Occasionally / 偶爾

●    Wordy: We meet on an occasional basis to discuss the project.

●    Concise: We occasionally meet to discuss the project.





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