11/03/2025 14:12 {Block Trade}MEITUAN-W (03690): 238k shares, or HK$40.9m
11/03/2025 13:09 {Block Trade}PING AN (02318): 1.3m shares, or HK$61.2m
11/03/2025 13:05 {Block Trade}PRADA (01913): 500k shares, or HK$30.99m
11/03/2025 12:46 {Market Preview}Meituan's expansion needs time
11/03/2025 12:38 {Short Sales}Half-day T/O at HK$23bn, or 13% of Total
11/03/2025 12:25 Short Selling Turnover (GEM) up to morning close
11/03/2025 12:25 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to morning close(3)
11/03/2025 12:25 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to morning close(2)
11/03/2025 12:25 Short Selling Turnover (Main Board) up to morning close(1)
11/03/2025 12:20 HSI ends down 221 pts at 23,562; TEH down 39 pts at 5,845
11/03/2025 11:39 HK$ markets: Overnight Hibor at 3.70%; US$/HK$ 7.7669/99
11/03/2025 11:30 {Block Trade}PRADA (01913): 500k shares, or HK$31.16m
11/03/2025 11:09 {Block Trade}ISHARESCSI300: 946k shares, or HK$26.12m
11/03/2025 11:07 {Block Trade}ISHARESHSTECH: 3.58m shares, or HK$44.08m
11/03/2025 10:57 {Block Trade}TRACKER FUND (02800): 1.06m shares, or HK$25.3m
11/03/2025 10:20 {Block Trade}KUAISHOU-W (01024): 490k shares, or HK$31.36m
11/03/2025 10:15 {Block Trade}SAMSONITE (01910): 1.67m shares, or HK$34.63m
11/03/2025 10:07 {Block Trade}BABA-W (09988): 277k shares, or HK$36.45m
11/03/2025 10:03 {Block Trade}TRACKER FUND: 1.02m shares, or HK$24.19m
11/03/2025 09:46 {Block Trade}HKEX (00388): 458k shares, or HK$158.17m