










  時間是女人最寶貴的財產,何以浪費?「與其為了他的不著緊而心碎,我何不自我檢討,扭轉思維,找個較易的懂得欣賞我的人。」(Oliver Goldsmith, She Stoops to Conquer, 1773)






Two Years !


  A 45 year old lady sat crying in my office. Her boyfriend of twelve years had just broken up with her to marry a much younger woman he had met only ten months earlier….


  Distressing this may be, nothing unusual nevertheless. We hear this kind of stories time and again,  how naive women would squander five, six, seven, ten…or more years of their precious youth, waiting in vain for someone to pop the question which was not to be, wondering in retrospect what they have done wrong. The devastation is oftentimes profound and the pain emasculating. Some women take a long time to heal, they are the lucky ones. Some women never really recover from a betrayal of such magnitude.


  It is precisely for reasons above that we teach our clients to walk far, far away and as expeditiously as possible if the guys do not commit to marriage after two years. Two years is a long time; you could get your MBA, shoot a movie, write a book, have two babies, build a high-rise building and learn to fly a helicopter in less than that. The truth is, if he had thought you were right, he would have married you already. Herein lies the key, if you think he has a good, rock solid reason to wait, discuss his reason openly with him and set a time table. This will only be regarded as “pressure” if the feeling is not mutual, then at least you’ll know where you stand. If the feeling is in fact mutual, the time table would be something wonderful for both of you to look forward to. However, if he is just playing noncommittal or dragging his feet for no particular reason after two years, it can only mean one of two things: (a) he is not ready, and it could be a long wait until he is, or (b) he knows in his heart of hearts that you are NOT the one! Since he quite enjoys the ride, why get off before something better comes along?


  Does he feel guilty leading his lady down the garden path? No, not at all. Does that make him a heartless demon? Not necessarily. Women are relational, men are transactional – he is simply a logical thinker and figures that she is an intelligent adult perfectly capable of making her own choices. He is not wrong. In fact, if he has never made any firm commitment, never said he would marry her, never offered any promise… and notwithstand¬ing all that, she still has not come to an epiphany but persists on waiting year after year after year, hoping against hope, then she is the one who is authentically moronic.


  Time is the most valuable asset a woman has got, why fritter it away ? “…instead of breaking my heart at his indifference, I’ll… set my cap to some newer fashion, and look out for some less difficult admirer.” (Oliver Goldsmith, She Stoops to Conquer, 1773).


  Set yourself a deadline of two years and carve it in stone. It could save you a lot of pain.




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The Philosophy of love

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