我不認為存在。我們不會單單看到了一個人便愛上他,也即是Bertrand Russell 提出的「通過了解認識」(knowledge by acquaintance)。在愛上一個人前,我們會透過一定的方式去了解他。方式可來自外在行為,如他對你說的話語、情緒、及態度表現;又可來自聽覺,如他的聲線,活動的節奏,又或是他的氣味;更可以是觸覺,如跟他相擁時的觸感,他的臂彎包圍你雙肩的感覺;亦可以來自味覺,比如一個吻的味道。不是非要集齊以上各種才叫「一見鍾情」,可是,認識一個人非單憑視覺感知,我們不只有身體,更有思想、性格及靈魂。
質疑者可能會分享他們「一見鍾情」的親身經歷,並保證這種特殊情感的存在是具爭議性的,但研究已證明這種感情難以保鮮。德克薩斯州大學奧斯汀分校的人類生態學及心理學教授Ted Huston花了很長時間研究求愛與婚姻關係,由1981年起,他所參與的「PAIR Project」定期監察168個新婚者的感情狀況達14年。結果顯示,「一見鍾情」或倉促結婚的感情關係較難長久。人類是需要時間建立關係及互為了解,這個過程是急進不來的。
Love At First Sight
Some love gurus openly proclaim that when one’s gaze is fixated on an opposite sex for more than eight seconds, this is “love at first sight”. Others consider the turning of the head, dropping of the jaw, or running into a tree as signs of being “love struck”, still others measure blood pressure or count palpitation …whatever the method or interpretation, does love at first sight really exist?
I say not. We do not simply see others and then, love them. There is what Bertrand Russell called, “knowledge by acquaintance.” We are directly acquainted with others in certain ways before we come to love them. Such acquaintance can be cognitive (what he says to you, and what emotions and attitudes he expresses); auditory (his tone of voice; kinesthetic (the way he moves); olfactory (his smell); tactile (how he feels such as in a bear hug, his arms around your shoulder); and even gustatory (as in the “taste” of his kiss). This does not mean that all such types of acquaintance are requisite to “love at first sight”; however, this knowledge cannot meaningfully be restricted to the visual perception alone. We do not only have bodies, we have minds, personalities and souls as well.
Skeptics may argue that they have personally experienced love at first sight, and granted that such emotions’ existence may be debatable, research has proven that it is clearly not durable. Ted Huston, the professor of Human Ecology and Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin was the Principal Investigator of the PAIR Project. This project was a long term study of courtship and marriage that began in 1981 with 168 newlyweds who were followed and monitored on a regular basis for a period of 14 years. The conclusion was that “Love at First Sight” or marriages-in-a-hurry seldom last. Human beings need time to build bonds and to establish mutual understanding, this is not a process that can be rushed.
Many people are confused by “love” and “infatuation”. While both are intense emotions that one feels for another person, they differ in their actuality, intensity and final outcome. Infatua-tion is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoning, wasteful passion, it happens quickly and is often based purely on physical appearance. It usually occurs at the beginning of a relationship when sexual attraction is central. Whereas love takes time to grow, is completely blind and is not at all affected by physical attraction. Just as infatuation is a sexual desire to get pleasure for oneself, the root of love is a feeling of comfort and trust that gives happiness to the other person.
Modern women are becoming increasingly strong, they are independent, intelligent and mostly financially self sufficient. This phenomenon has rendered the traditional hunter and gatherer gender roles somewhat futile and many men do have this latent yearning to profess manhood by “protecting” the weaker sex. This makes the occasional damsel in distress who runs to him for help most appealing. He sees himself as the knight in shining armour, she feeds his ego and boosts his manhood to such proportion that more often than not, he succumbs and misinterprets his eagerness to mentor her, protect her, support her as signs of “love”. Wrong again. Love should not be a rescue mission as that renders the relationship unbalanced from the start. True love should be a healthy emotion of mutual respect, the sentiment between the hero and the rescued is one of compassion and not of pride . How can that be resilient?
We live life on the fast lane in Hong Kong where time counts and efficiency matters. That is why many people want to believe in ”Love at First Sight”. Sorry to disappoint, but there is really is no quick fix on the love front. You have to put in your time, patience and effort to nurture a relationship, your return on investment will be well worth your while.
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