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  除了「Happy Chinese New Year」外,我們還可以如何傳遞祝福?本周,筆者將介紹30個常見且實用的英文新年祝福用語,幫助你在蛇年期間自信從容地傳遞祝福,讓你在職場上大放異彩,並助你在新的一年裏,增進與同事之間的友誼和合作關係。




1. Happy Chinese New Year!

   - 新年快樂!


2. Wishing you prosperity in the Year of the Snake.

   - 祝你蛇年繁榮昌盛。


3. May the Year of the Snake bring you good health and fortune.

   - 願蛇年為你帶來健康和財運。


4. Gong Xi Fa Cai!

   - 恭喜發財!


5. May all your dreams come true this year.

   - 願你今年夢想成真。


6. Wishing you a successful and joyful Year of the Snake.

   - 祝你蛇年成功快樂。


7. May this New Year bring you new opportunities and challenges.

   - 願新年帶給你新的機會和挑戰。


8. Wishing you peace and happiness in the New Year.

   - 祝你新年平安快樂。


9. May your career reach new heights in the Year of the Snake.

   - 願你在蛇年事業更上一層樓。


10. Sending you best wishes for the New Year.

    - 送上最美好的新年祝福。


11. Wishing you a year full of new achievements.

    - 祝你新的一年裏成就滿滿。


12. May the Year of the Snake bring you endless joy.

    - 願蛇年帶給你無盡的喜悅。


13. Wishing you success and prosperity in your endeavors/endeavours.

    - 祝你在工作中事事順心、繁榮昌盛。


14. May the New Year be filled with success and good fortune.

    - 願新年充滿成功和好運。


15. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year.

    - 祝你和你的家人新年快樂健康。


16. May this New Year bring you happiness and success.

    - 願新年為你帶來幸福和成功。


17. Wishing you a year full of health and prosperity.

    - 祝你一年健康繁榮。


18. May you achieve all your goals in the Year of the Snake.

    - 願你在蛇年實現所有目標。


19. Wishing you a year filled with love and joy.

    - 祝你一年充滿愛和喜悅。


20. May this New Year be the start of a new chapter of success.

    - 願新年是成功新篇章的開始。


21. Wishing you a year of abundant blessings.

    - 祝你一年充滿豐盛的祝福。


22. May the Year of the Snake bring you good luck and prosperity.

    - 願蛇年帶給你好運和繁榮。


23. Wishing you a year of progress and achievement.

    - 祝你一年進步和成就。


24. May your New Year be filled with joy and success.

    - 願你的新年充滿喜悅和成功。


25. Wishing you a year of peace and tranquility.

    - 祝你一年平安和安寧。


26. May this New Year bring you all the happiness in the world.

    - 願新年帶給你全世界的幸福。


27. Wishing you a bright and prosperous Year of the Snake.

    - 祝你蛇年燦爛繁榮。


28. May your efforts be rewarded with great success in the New Year.

    - 願你的努力在新年裏取得豐碩成果。


29. Wishing you a year of joy, health, and prosperity.

    - 祝你一年充滿喜悅、健康和繁榮。


30. May the New Year bring you endless opportunities for growth.

    - 願新年為你帶來無盡的成長機會。






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