《緣來自Mei Ling》再續
《緣來自Mei Ling》繼續在亞洲電視播放,未來三集,我們將集中探討三個我曾在專欄中跟大家分享的熱題:(第七集)婚外情、(第八集)爭執、(第九集)年齡歧視。
於etnet撰有《美女中醫》一欄的譚莉英小姐會是我們其中一位講師。照顧好男士是門學問,譚醫師將跟女士們分享當中的智慧。另外,黃教授(Chak Wong)將親身演繹以數學計算出來的愛情方程式,這是非常有趣的一節。
最後,我們請來Dr. Stephen為大家分享有關抗衰老的話題。畢業於倫敦大學醫學院的Dr. Stephen原本專攻心內科、神經內科及皮膚科,當他發現衰老是身體衰敗的根源時,他把治療的心思轉移至預防的課題上,投入抗衰老的研究工作。
Chatting with Mei Ling (7,8,9)
In the next three episodes of ATV’s緣。來自Mei Ling, we focused on three different topics: (Ep.7) Infidelity 婚外情, (Ep.8) Quarrelling 爭執 , and (Ep.9) Age Discrimination 年齡歧視 - Topics I have previously written in my ETNET column.
In Ep.(7) Infidelity, we interviewed Barbara, our “Diamond Single” . The multi lingual Russian fashion model with Master Degrees in Chinese Language and Economics answered all questions in fluent Putonghua, putting both William and myself to shame. Barbara has also been appointed by the Russian government to be one of the founding members of the first Russian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong & China. This brainy beauty was candid and open about her affair with a married man, and then later on, her own infidelity while in a stable relationship. He could easily have married her if only she had been less promiscuous. Yes, there is regret, albeit a little late, and it has taken her many years to find closure. On the flip side, she has indeed learned about the true definition of loyalty and doubts she will ever cheat again.
Prominent speakers included ETNET’s Chinese Medicine Practitioner columnist美女中醫Tam Lai Ying, who shared some profound wisdom with us ladies in how best to take care of our men; and Professor Chak Wong, who taught us how to calculate the equation of love mathematically, it was extremely interesting.
The diamond single for Episode (8) was Coby, the American Chinese with music in his blood. Apart from writing songs, recording and giving concerts in San Francisco on a regular basis, he has long detected a niche market in teaching children fun songs in English. Parents soon flock to him as they discover how their children are speaking fluent English without tears or effort ! For someone who loves singing, dancing and children and be able to make a superb living out of his hobbies, it sounds heavenly indeed, except he sings his blues in private as he continues to remain unlucky in love.
In the same episode “Quarrelling”, we concluded how “time” is the best healer of all pains and differences. Talking of which, we were delighted to have Carson with us. The first Chinese ever to have won the title of Grand Master conferred upon him by FHH - the highest authority in Switzerland, his profound knowledge of valuable clocks and watches was fascinating. Then Mitzie , the Senior Vice President of UNESCO Hong Kong joined us, and spoke about UNESCO’s mission of this year : peace.
We introduced two diamond singles in Ep.9: Marc, the Swiss Managing Director of a European company. Handsome, successful and single, he moved to Hong Kong several years ago, fell in love with this great city and has now decided to stay. He has written a book about his adventure, is negotiating movie rights and looking for a girlfriend all at the same time. Then Jacqueline, Danish Chinese, fluent in Cantonese, Putonghua, Danish and English, she works as the PR manager in a five star hotel and loves her job. Her beauty is captivating, the fact that she is so down to earth, so amiable, and loves all the local culture including HK style cafes, 茶餐廳and fish ball noodles makes her so endearing that all the guys at ATV are drooling all over her.
Finally Dr. Stephen came and spoke about anti-ageing . Graduated from the University of London Medical School, Dr. Stephen has specialized in Cardiology, Neurology and Dermatology before finally decided to focus on Anti-Ageing, as he realized that it is here where the root of all evils begins and his passion is about prevention rather than cure.
I had a lot of fun doing these shows, and I hope you will have fun watching them too.
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